Compostando en otoño
A campaign that aims to present, together with the communities of our province, a solution to a material that was previously considered waste without considering the potential uses that communities could give it.


Programa educativo

6 months
This campaign is born from Agenda Ambiental Santa Cruz with the aim of presenting, together with the communities of the province, a solution to the lack of awareness about the utility of the organic waste generated in our homes.

One year before the campaign's creation, a study on the quality and generation of waste in Santa Cruz led by health and environmental authorities of the province revealed that 21% of the content in provincial urban solid waste is potentially compostable. This high percentage is an encouraging indicator for citizens to minimize our environmental impact.
With the aim of promoting composting and the revaluation of waste, "Composting in Autumn" was born in 2020 with the participation of the municipalities of Río Gallegos, Río Turbio, Cañadón Seco, Puerto Deseado, and Los Antiguos, accompanied by the State Secretariat of Environment, which initiated the provincial government's "Green Actions" program.
NATURE RECYCLES. Decomposition processes are a fundamental part of nature where nutrients are incorporated, meaning they are reabsorbed and recycled it. The reality is that organic waste "is okay to exist"; the problem lies in the large quantities we generate that are not being utilized or returned to the natural cycle.
In 2021, two new municipalities, Caleta Olivia and Pico Truncado, joined with workshops and eco-exchanges. In its third year, El Chaltén, Koluel Kaike, El Calafate, and Lago Posadas joined with a total of 11 localities participating in community composting. HALF OF THE PROVINCE COMPOSTS!